There are times in life I am left
bewildered. This past year those moments have been often. In
examining the events I have looked at my life and have seen where my
behavior played a part, but playing the “what if” game did
nothing but amass great guilt. Guilt I pointed directly to myself,
allowing the blame to land at my feet. Well in good in taking a
personal responsibility, it still did not change what happened. With
not being able to change the past nor the events which transpired I
had to come to a solution.
Personal forgiveness. I was not
brought up to side step my responsibility or to evade the
consequences of my actions. I was suppose to remind myself daily all
my wrongs and make sure I held myself accordingly. Unfortunately
there is a fine line in knowing, admitting, and learning to let it
go, something at the age of 51 I have not mastered.
I want to be a good person. I want
everyone to see a person of charm and goodness, but as long as I see
myself as a monster and one of having value, how can anyone see me?
This is where I needed to forgive myself. Yes, I am flawed. I have
made extremely terrible decisions which at the time I felt would only
have an effect on myself. Yet like a ripple in the lake its stretched
our to many around me even at the moment of making the decision to
this year and will still be felt for years to come.
I forgive myself for not knowing how my
mental illness played a part in my decisions. I forgive myself for
not having the current information I have now which would have made
me change my actions. I let go of the anger inside towards myself and
embrace myself to heal. I take with me the knowledge of every action,
every decision I make has a far reaching effect, and will try to
temper it with wiser eyes. I can only go forward. I will not forget
what I have done, but I don't have to torment myself.